Advertise with Us

Grow your business with a little help from us. We offer multi-layered marketing in the form of radio advertising, live events, digital display, SEM/SEO, social media, digital out-of-home, connected TV/OTT, linear TV, streaming audio, and much more!

Let us help highlight your product or service with expertise and creativity. Through expert consultations, in-house creative services, and on-going campaign optimization + reporting, we are truly your one-stop advertising shop!

To find out about our current advertising specials and promotional offers, simply fill out the form and our sales staff will be in contact with you. All information is confidential.

About Us

Steel City Media is a Pittsburgh based multi-media company with market leading media outlets in both Pittsburgh and Kansas City.

For over 35 years, our local focus and commitment to the communities we serve has enabled us to create and execute multi-platform, impactful marketing campaigns.

We are extremely proud of being the community radio station that actively supports hundreds of worthwhile causes, showcases top-tier entertainment, and provides custom marketing solutions.

Grow Your Business

Steel City Media offers layered marketing solutions to build brand awareness, encourage online and foot traffic, and expand your customer base!

We know the optimal strategies to promote your brand through traditional and new media avenues. We have access to the cutting-edge tactics and boast a team of dedicated professionals who understand how to best support your business goals.

We Live Here

We know Kansas City! Headquartered in the city with knowledgeable sales and digital teams as well as the live and local on-air personalities, Steel City Media has the right connections for the region.

Offering a wide range of options to reach customers in the area–from radio commercials and endorsements, to live events, to digital presence and much more–we have the bases covered to provide comprehensive marketing and advertising in Kansas City.